Elsie Priscilla Richardson (birth c.1895 death unkown)

Elsie was the youngest child. The Wicomico Weekly News of June 27, 1918 listed in the local happenings;

"Miss Elsie Richardson of Salisbury visited with her aunt Mrs. Charles Williams and other relatives in Snow Hill."

Elsie was living in Newport News, VA in 1927. She was a nurse and moved to Baltimore. She married Daniel Grafflin. Both were afflicted with TB as per family stories and died in Baltimore.

Carolyn Richardson McMurran remembers: "I never heard that Dan had TB.

I was fond of Elsie. She and I were thought to resemble each other, not only in looks but personality. She and my grandmother lived with us in Newport News while she was taking nurses training. We had a Victrola on which she would play "My Sweet Alice Blue Gown" and "Roses of Picardy". She had a lot of good freinds among the nurses and the doctors. I used to like to visit when she lived with Blanche and their mother in Baltimore. She would take me to the Pratt Library and the Walters Art Gallery and Loew's Theatre, where they had a ceiling with stars and clouds passing by.

Elsie did have TB, but spent some time in a sanitarium near Baltimore and recovered. She eventually died of cancer of the spine, in the early 1950's I would guess. I think my parents helped her and Dan out financially at the end.

I gather that members of the family were not happy with Elsie's marriage to Dan Grafflin. He was suposed to come from a very good Baltimore family but was apparently considered an attractive ne'er-do-well. I visited with Elsie and Dan once when I was grown. They were living in a small basement apartment. Dan went all the way across Baltimore to get me some oysters that he considered the best. I liked him.

After the apartment on Calvert Street Elsie and her mother had a house in Mt. Washington, a Baltimore suburb. I'm not sure whether Blanche was living with them then. Once when my family was visiting them, Uncle Rob turned up!"

December, 1996 - research from collection of George Elwood Richardson, III