Prepared by Donald Richardson with help many Sawyer descendants. Questions ask Linda Schwartz.


Left Charles W. Sawyer, Sr. headstone, Moore Cemetery, Meeting Creek Rd., Hardin Co., KY . Inscription: "Friend, Look on me, as you pass by. As you be now, so once was I. As you now see, you must be. So be prepare to follow me." (photo by Donald Richardson) 

Right Photo of Ann Richardson Sawyer's new tombstone (old tombstone carved by C.W. Sawyer, Jr., behind) Craig Cemetery, Coles Co., IL. (Photo by Barbara Reale)

Some Notes on Charles Wesley Sawyer, Sr.

Ann Richardson (2/26/1756 Worcester Co., MD - 1834 Shelby Co., IL) m c. 1775 Worcester Co., MD.
Charles W. Sawyer, Sr. (1753 London, England - 1826 Hardin Co., KY )

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This page tweaked slightly on 9 August 2000